Yu-chen Li (李玉珍)
Current Position
August 2016-present:
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
- Director, Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Positions Held
August 2010-July 2016: Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Cheng Chi University
August 2004- July 2010: Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University
August 2000- July 2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University
Education (Thesis and Dissertation)
2000 Ph.D. in Asian Literature (Buddhism), Cornell University
Ph.D. dissertation: Crafting Women’s Religious Experience in A Patrilineal Society: Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns in Action, 1945-1999
1996 M.A. in Asian Literature (Buddhism), Cornell University
M.A. thesis: The Paradise lost: the Guanyin Worship of the Bai People in Yunnan
1988 M.A. in History, National Tsing Hua University, 1988.
M.A. thesis: The Bhiksunis of the Tang Dynasty
1985 B.A. in Chinese Linguistics and Literature, National Tsing Hua University
Membership in Professional Organizations
Taiwan Association of Religious Studies, 2000-present
Modern Taiwan Association of Buddhist Studies, 2001-present
Taiwanese Feminist Scholars Association, 2004-present
Sakyadhita: the International Association of Buddhist Women, 2000-present
Administrative and editorial functions
2016.8.1-present: Chair, Center of Chinese Religious Studies, National Cheng Chi University
2015.1.1-2016.12.31: Research Fellow, Center of Humanistic Buddhism, Foguangshan
2012 - present: Member on the Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Religious Studies (華人宗教研究期刊)
2012 - present: Convener, Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, National Cheng Chi University
2009-2010: Chair of the Gender and Society Program, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University
2011: Editor, Journal of Women and Gender Studies (女學學誌:婦女與性別研究), National Taiwan University
2009: Member on the Editorial Board, Journal of Humanistic Buddhism (人間佛教期刊), Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008-2009: Member on the Founding Committee, Sakyadhita Taiwan (台灣善女人協會)
2008 - present: Member of Council, The Buddhist Research Center of Venerable Xiuwen (曉雲法師研究中心), Hua Fan University (華梵大學)
2008 - present: Member on the Editorial Board, Journal of Taiwan Religious Studies (台灣宗教研究)
2007: Editor, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Literature (清華中文學報)
2006-2007: Member of the Executive Council, Taiwanese Feminist Scholars Association (台灣女學會)
2002-2004: Member of the International Committee, Sakyadhita: International Association of Buddhist Women
2002: Executive Editor, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies (清華學報)
2001-2002: Member on the Executive Committee, Modern Taiwan Association of Buddhist Studies (現代佛教學會)
1999-2001: Member on the Executive Committee, Taiwan Association of Religious Studies
1998-1999: Member of the Internet Workshop on the Ming and Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwai
1998-1999: Member on the Founding Committee and the Executive Committee, Taiwan Association of Religious Studies
Honors and Grants
2015.2-9: Visiting Scholar, Ho Center for Buddhist Studies, Stanford University
2006.7-9: Visiting Scholar, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
1998-1999: Dissertation Fellowship, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
1998, Fall: Dissertation Fellowship, Cornell University
1998, Spring: Sage Fellowship
1997, Fall: The Scholarship of Women Studies Program, National Taiwan University
1990-1991: The Family Hung Fellowship
1988: The Publishing Reward of the Tao Choo-choo Foundation
1987: The Chiang Tin-fu Fellowship (Chinese History)
Research Projects and Fieldwork (2006.8.1-2015.7.31)
2014.8.1-2015.7.31: 剪輯與重構經典證據的淨土《善女人往生傳》(Re-editing and Reproducing Canonical Evidence in the Biographies of Virtuous Women Reborn in the Pure Land), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-103-2410-H-004-181)
2013.7.1-2014.12.31: 語境傳承──法鼓山的禪修制度 (Transmission in a Context of Language: DDM’s System of Meditation Practice), Sheng Yen Educational Foundation.
2013.2.1-2014.1.31: Supervisor of 華嚴專題講座計畫 (Lectures on Huanyan Studies)
Huayan Studies Foundation (中華民國華嚴學基金會)
2012. 11.1-2015.3.31: 台灣佛教通史撰寫計畫 (Writing the History of Taiwanese Buddhism)
Mituo Educational Foundation (彌陀教育基金會)
2011.8.10-2012. 7.31: 學問僧與禪:聖嚴法師與佛教現代化 (The Scholar-Monk and Chan: Master Sheng Yen and the Modernization of Chinese Buddhism), Sheng Yen Educational Foundation.
2009.3.1-2010.6.30: 性別、文化與全球化:台灣、中國與東亞的跨國實踐 (Gender, Culture and Globalization: the Practice Crossing National Boundaries in Taiwan, China, and East Asia)
The International Alliance of Sakaydhita (Sakydhita 佛陀的女兒組成國際聯盟), Tsing Hua University
2008.8.1-2011.10.31: 宗教與文學的交涉:眾神載體神魔小說 (Religions and Literature: Fictions of Deities and Demons), National Science Council (NSC2410-H-004-187-MY3)
2008.1.1-2010.12.31: 桃竹苗齋教「佛教化」之形成與意涵 (From Vegetarian Religions to Monastic Buddhism in the Hakka Area in Central Taiwan), 客家委員會專題研究計畫, 三年期整合型總計畫:「台灣客家族群的聚落、歷史與社會變遷:以鳳山、頭前、中港及後龍四溪流域為範圍之跨學科研究」(共同主持人:莊英章),子計畫24 (Sub-project 24 of the Three-Year Integrative Studies on the Communities, History, and Social Changes of the Hakka in Taiwan, the Hakka Committee)
2007.10.1-2008.9.31: Supervisor of “Study in Taiwan智慧平台” (The Smart Platform for the Study in Taiwan), Department of Education
2006.8.1-2007.7.31: 花和尚公案─明清小說污名化僧人的方式與性別意涵 (The Case of Lustful Monks: The Denigration of Buddhist Monastics in Ming-Qing Fictions and the Its Gender Implications)
2003.8.1- 2005.7.31: 女尼與女仙─中古佛道女性傳記比較研究 (Buddhist Nuns and Female Immortals: Comparing the Buddhist and Taoist Female Biographies in Medieval China)
National Science Council (NSC92-2411-H-007-038)
I. Authored Books
1989 唐代的比丘尼 (The Bhiksunīs of the Tang Dynasty). Taipei: 學生書局Xuesheng Shuju. (ISBN 986-790-8309)
2016 佛教文學裡的聖凡男女 (The Ordinary and Extraordinary Men and Women in Buddhist Literature). Taipei: 新文豐出版社Xinwenfeng Publisher. (ISBN 978-957-17-2229-0)
2016 戰後台灣佛教與女性 (Buddhism and Women in Post-war Taiwan). Taipei: 博揚文化出版社Boyang Publisher. (ISBN 978-986-57-5764-9) 6
II. Edited Books
2003 Li, Yu-chen, and Mei-mei Lin, eds. 婦女與宗教:跨領域的視野 (Women and Religions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives). Taipei: 里仁書局Liren Shuju. (ISBN 957-991-5849)
III. Book Chapters and Articles
2014 “Bhiksuni Hiuwan: Enlightening Society by Institutionalizing Buddhist Education.” In Eminent Buddhist Women, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo, pp. 101-110. New York: State University of New York Press.
2012 “女齋堂空門化的契機──從齋姑到比丘尼修行方式的轉變” (The Turning Point for the Vegetarian Halls for Women—The Change in Methods of Cultivation from Vegetarian Women to Buddhist Nuns). In Contemporary Buddhism and Chinese Society, edited Wenzong Zhao and Yuguang Liu, pp. 66-105. Hong Kong: Red Publication.
2011 “敘事奠基文化:尼傳的修行典範” (The Paradigms of Narratives: Exemplars in The Biographies of Buddhist Nun). In佛教文獻與文學 (Buddhist Scriptures and Literature), edited by Acai Zheng, pp. 342-386. Gaoxiong: Foguang.
2010 “齋姑、齋教與宗族:日治新竹州的女齋堂” ( Vegetarian Women, Vegetarian Religions, and Clans: The Vegetarian Halls for Women in Xinzhu During the Japanese Colonial Period). In客家、女性與邊緣化 (Haaka People, Women, and Marginalization), edited by Ruizhi Lian and Yinzhang Zhuang, pp. 207-246. Taipei: 南天Nantian Bookstore.
2010 Li, Yu-chen, and Zhengzong Kan. “齋教的神明/法脈雙軌制:日治寺廟整運動與楊梅奉天宮” (The Bi-lineage of Deities and Abbots: The Religious Reform in Taiwan Under the Japanese Colonial Rule). In 客家的形成與變遷 (The Formation and Development of Haaka), edited by Meiling Jian and Yingzhang Zhuang, pp. 405-445. Xinzhu: Chi Tong University Press.
2010 “齋姑與尼僧教育資源之比較” (Comparison of Educational Resources for Vegetarian Women and for Buddhist Nuns). In 比丘尼的天空:佛教僧伽教育國際研討會論文集 (The Sky of Bhikkhunī: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Buddhist Sangha Education), edited by the Luminary Institute, pp. 65-114. Taipei: Gaya Foundation.
2009 “中國婦女與佛教” (Chinese Women and Buddhism). In 中國史新論性別史分冊 (New Chinese History: Gender), edited by Jender Lee, pp. 463-492. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology.
2008 “女戒師” (The Female Preceptors). In 中國佛教會一甲子 (Sixty Years of Buddhist Association of the Republic of China), edited by Buddhist Association of the Republic of China, pp. 115-136. Taipei: BAROC.
2008 “The Gender issue in Contemporary Taiwan Buddhism.” In Buddhist Women in a Global Multicultural Community, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo, pp. 189-199. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Sukhi Hotu.
2008 “雲水不住--曉雲法師的比丘尼典範” (As Un-Abiding as Water and Clouds: the Bhikusni Paradigm established by Xiuwen). In華梵大學創辦人曉雲法師思想行誼研討會暨第十三屆國際佛教教育文化研討會會議論文集 (Memorial on Venerable Hiuwan, the Founder of Hua Fan University, and Buddhist Education), edited by Guangyan He and Junwei Huang, pp. 11-38. Taipei: Hua Fan University, 2008.
2008 Li, Yu-chen, and Nalita Shizuka. “シャマニズムと道教、仏教、新興宗教” (Folk Religions and Daoism, Buddhism, New Religons). In台灣女性史入門 (Introduction to Taiwanese Women’s History), edited by 台灣女性史入門編纂委員會 (Committee of Taiwanese Women’s History), pp. 199-212. Kyodo: Jinbunshoin.
2008 “戒壇沿革與婦女出家” (Women and the Reform of Ordination in Late Imperial China). In 宗教文化與性別倫理國際學術會議論文集 (Proceedings of International Conference on Religion, Culture, and Gender Ethics), edited by玄奘大學宗教學系 (Department of Religious Studies of Hsuan Chuang University), pp. 189-224. Taipei: 法界Fajie.
2007 “In Pursuit of Buddhahood: Master Yinshun and the Buddhist Study in Postwar Taiwan.” In Development and Practice of Humanitarian Buddhism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Mutsu Hsu, Jinhua Chen, and Lori Meeks, pp. 173-195. Hualian: Tzuchi University.
2007 “Reconstructing Buddhist Perspectives on Homosexuality: Enlightenment from the Study of the Body.” In Heterosexism in Contemporary World Religion: Problem and Prospect, edited by Marvin M. Ellison and Judith Plaskow, pp. 135-154. Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press.
2007 “觀音與地藏之間:台灣九華山福慧比丘尼崇拜” (Either Guanyin or Dizang: The Cult of Bhikshunī Fuhui at Mt. Jiuhua in Taiwan). In民間佛教研究 (The Research on Folk Buddhism), edited by William Tam, pp. 69-93. Peiking: Zhonghua Shuju.
2006 “Bodhisattva Kśitigarbha and Buddhist Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan.” In Out of the Shadows: Socially Engaged Buddhist Women, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo, pp. 190-196. Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications
2005 “Guanyin and the Buddhist scholar nuns: The changing meaning of nun-hood.” In Gender, Culture and Society: Women’s Studies in Taiwan, edited by Wei-hung Lin and Hsiao-chin Hsieh, pp. 237-272. Seoul: Asian Center for Women’s Studies.
2004 “Religiosity and Leadership among Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns.” In Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Women’s Voices across Generations, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo, pp. 97-106. Taipei: Yuan Chuan Press.
2003 “愛恨纏縛:佛傳文學裡的夫妻之情” (Entwined in Love and Hate: the Husband-Wife Relationship in Buddhist Biographies). In第四屆通俗文學與雅正文學論文集 (Proceedings of The Fourth Conference on the Popular and Elite Literature), edited by 國立中興大學中國文學系 (Department of Chinese Literature of The National Chung Hsing University), pp. 107-136. Taipei: 新文豐Xinwenfeng.
2002 “母女情結:台灣女性出家與繼承家庭角色的兩難” (The Mother-Daughter Complex: Gender Identity and Subjectivity of Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns). In 情感、情緒與文化:台灣社會的文化心理研究 (Affect, Emotion, and Culture: Anthropological and Psychological Studies on Taiwanese Society), edited by Tai-Li Hu, Mutsu Hsu, Kuang-Hui Yeh, pp. 363-404. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
2001 “當頭棒喝:禪宗文學之公案” (The Blows and Shouts on the Head: the Koan of the Chan Literature in the Song Dynasty). In 讓證據說話:中國篇 (The Voice of Evidence: Chinese Cases Studies), edited by Chian-rong Lu and Ping-chen Hsiung, pp. 107-134. Taipei: 麥田Maitian Publisher.
2001 “佛教蓮社與女性之社會參與 – 1930 年代上海蓮社與 1960 年代台灣蓮社之比較 (Buddhist Societies and Women’s Social Engagement – A Comparative Study on the Lotus Societies in the 1930s’ Shanghai and the 1960s’ Taiwan). In 公與私: 近代中國個體與群體之重建 (Public and Private: The Reconstruction of Individual and Collective Bodies in Modern China), edited by Ko-wu Huang and Che-chia Chang, pp. 255-312. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
2000 “Ordination, Legitimacy, and Sisterhood: The International Full Ordination Ceremony in Bodhgaya.” In Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming Against the Stream, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo, pp. 168-200. Surrey, U.K.: Curzon Press.
2000 “出家入世:戰後台灣佛教女性僧侶生涯之變” (Leaving the Household to Enter the World: Career Change of Buddhist Nuns in Post-war Taiwan). In 回顧老台灣、展望新故鄉-台灣社會文化變遷」學術研討會論文集 (Proceedings on the Conference on The Change of Taiwanese Society and Culture in the Post-war Period), edited by National Normal University, pp. 146-207. Taipei: National Normal University.
IV. Journal Articles
2016 “語境傳承:聖嚴法師的文字化身體禪修” (Transmission in the Context of Language: Master Sheng Yen’s Verbalization of Bodily Discipline of Chan). Shengyen Studies 7: 53-90.
2015 “受戒施教:戰後臺灣比丘尼身分的形成與凝聚” (Receiving Ordination and Propagating the Dharma: The Formation and Consolidation of Bhikshunīs’ Identity in Postwar Taiwan). Research on Women in Modern Chinese History 25: 1-52.
2014 “法華信仰的物質性傳播:《弘贊法華傳》的經本崇拜” (The Material Basis in the Dissemination of the Lotus Belief: The Cult of Text in the Accounts of the Propagation and Praise of the Lotus [Sutra]). Journal of Taiwanese Religious Studies 13.1: 5-28.
2014 “台灣戰後崛起的優婆夷典範之群體意涵” (The Implications of the Rise of Exemplary Buddhist Lay Women in Post-War Taiwan). The Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhist Studies 21:97-130.
2013 “禪修傳統的復興與東西交流──以聖嚴法師為例” (The Revitalization of the Meditation Tradition and the East-West Exchange: The Case of Master Sheng Yen). Shengyen Studies No.4, 7-34.
2011 “巡弋失樂園-大理觀音佛國的政治建構” (The Political Construction of Guanyin Kingdom in Dali). Journal of Taiwanese Religious Studies 10.2: 3-34.
2009 “《二十四尊得道羅漢傳》與羅漢信仰:文字與圖像敘述” (Bibliographies of the Twenty-Four Arhats and the Cult of Arhats: Literary Narratives and Illustrations). Journal of Taiwan Religious Studies 8.1(2009): 1-25.
2007 Li, Luanxian, and Yu-chen Li. “新竹市齋堂巡禮:福林堂” (The Vegetarian Halls in Xinzhu: Fulin Tang). 竹塹文獻 (Documents of Xinzhu) 38 (2007): 90-114.
2004 “《長老尼偈》的修辭故事—兼以對照《長老偈》” (The Rhetoric Devices in the Therīgatha, by Comparison to Theragatha). Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies 9(2004): 1- 36.
2004 “戰後台灣的佛教出版事業:以陳慧劍為例” (Buddhist Publication in the Post-war Taiwan: The Case of Huijian Chen). Journal of Taiwan Religious Studies 4. 1 (2004): 73-112.
2002 “台灣比丘尼與二部授戒” (Taiwanese Bhikshunīs and Dual-Ordination) Journal of Gender Equality, 18: 23-29。
2001 “1950年代的反共文學與佛教文學 –《佛教小說集》裡的戰爭、愛情與鄉愁” (The Anti-Communist Literature and Buddhist Literature in the 1950s’ Taiwan – War, Love, and Nostalgia in the Anthology of Buddhist Short Stories). Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies 6 (July 2001): 317-345.
2000 “寺院廚房裡的姊妹情:戰後台灣佛教婦女的性別意識與修行” (The Sisterhood in the Monastic Kitchen: Buddhist Women’s Gender Identity and Practice in the Post-war Taiwan). The Journal of the Institute of Ethnography at Academia Sinica 87 (Spring 1999): 97- 128.
1999 “佛教譬喻文學中的男女美色與情慾—追求美麗的宗教意涵” (Gender Difference and Sensual Desire in the Avadana Literature—The Religious Pursuit of Beauty). 新史學(New History) 10. 4 (1999): 31-65。
V. Book Reviews, Brief Communications, and the Miscellaneous
2003 “Book Review: Jianying Shen 沈劍英, The History of Chinese Buddhist Logic 中國佛教邏輯史 (Shanghai: Huadong Normal University Press, 2001).” The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 22 (2003): 324-327.
2002 “Book Review: Buddhist Women and Women’s Buddhism – the Gender Studies in Buddhism in the Last Two Decades” (佛教的女性,女性的佛教—近二十年來佛教的婦女研究). Research on Women in Modern Chinese History 10 (Dec. 2002): 147-176.
2002 “台灣比丘尼與二部授戒” (Taiwanese Bhikshunīs and Dual Ordination). Gender Equality in Education 18 (2002, special issue on “Gender, Customs, and Religion”): 23-29.
2000 Li, Yu-chen, and Zhengzong Kan. “921 震災與賑災:佛教篇報導” (The Damage of Buddhist Temples in the 921 Earthquake and the Buddhist Relief Work). The Newsletter of the Taiwanese Association of Religious Studies 4 (January 2000): 38-61.
1999 “就業母親的焦慮:文化母職與社會變遷” (Guilty of the Working Mothers: Culturally Defined Motherhood and Social Change). The Humanistic Education 119 (May, 1999): 49-52.
1999 “妙文事件讀後感” (The Scandal of Buddhist Nun Miaowen). The Newsletter of Women and Gender Studies of the National Taiwanese University 41 (1999): 30-37。
1998 “Book Review: John Kieschnick, The Eminent Monk: Buddhist Ideals in Medieval Chinese Hagiography (Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1997).” 新史學 (New History) 9.2 (1998): 187-192.
1996 “佛學之女性研究:近二十年英文著作簡介” (Field Review: Introducing the Gender Issues in Buddhist Studies in the English Publications in the Past Two Decades). 新史學 (New History) 7. 4 (1996): 199-222。
1995 “盲女靈媒:Itako” (The Blind Woman Medium: Itako). The Newsletter of Women and Gender Studies of the National Taiwanese University 33 (1995): 5-10。
1995 “Book Review: William R. LaFleur, Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press).” 新史學 (New History) 6. 1 (1995): 225-229.