Daniela Campo

Daniela Campo has received a PhD in East-Asian Studies, “History of Religions” program, from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris), in 2011. Her doctoral research, based on an historical analysis of the religious biography of Chinese Chan Master Xuyun (1864?-1959), has focused on the connections between hagiography and the formation of religious leadership, while at the same time exploring the ways in which Chinese Buddhist communities reacted to political and social changes in modern times. After 2011, she has been a post-doctoral fellow of the GSRL (‘Societies, Religions, Secularisms Institute’, Paris).

In 2013, she was a visiting scholar at the International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization (ICSCC) of Fudan University in Shanghai, before joining the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen, Germany) as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2014. She held a teaching contract (Chinese Language and Civilisation) at Paris Diderot University for two years. Since 2016, she is Maître de conférences at the University of Strasbourg.

Her research explores the way Chinese institutional Buddhism has transformed and evolved in the new political and ideological contexts of the Republican and Post-Mao eras, under the direction of Buddhist monastic elites belonging to different schools and trends. She has especially studied Chinese Buddhist biographies, Dharma lineages, and monastic regulations.

Research projects

Since 2015: Co-director of the international project “Vinaya Revival in 20th Century China and Taiwan”, financed by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (Taiwan). The project is directed by Ester Bianchi (University of Perugia).

2016: ‘La religion des Chinois de France’, international ANR project directed by Fang Ling and Vincent Goossaert, co-financed by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.

2012–2016: ‘Elder masters and new generations of religious specialists in China today: Ethnographic fieldwork on daily life and anthropology of social change’ (acronym SHIFU), international ANR project directed by Adeline Herrou (Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative de Paris Nanterre, UMR 7186).

2011–2014: ‘Buddhism after Mao: religion, politics and society in China since 1980’, international project directed by Ji Zhe (GSRL, ‘Societies, Religions, Secularisms Institute’, Paris).

2011–2014: ‘Fare famiglia da soli. L’esperienza monastica come riscrittura dello logiche identitarie e aggregative nella storia. Comparazioni interculturali e interdisciplinari’, interdisciplinary project directed by Francesca Sbardella (Bologna University, Italy).



(2013) La construction de la sainteté dans la Chine moderne: la vie du maître bouddhiste Xuyun, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (Hebert-Allen Giles Price of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2015).

Books and special issues of journals as editor

(forthcoming) S. Teinturier, D. Campo, and E. Kreis (eds.), Cahiers d’Études du Religieux. Recherches interdisciplinaires (C.E.R.R.I.), Special Issue Religion et violence en contexte de modernité.

(2016) Z. Ji 汲喆, D. Campo (田水晶) and Q. Wang 王启元 (eds.), Ershi shiji zhongguo fojiao de liangci fuxing 二十世纪中国佛教的两次复兴,Shanghai, Fudan daxue chubanshe.

Peer-reviewed Articles

(forthcoming) ‘Raccontare il silenzio: lo spazio interiore descritto dai monaci buddhisti cinesi’, Humanitas, Special Issue La parola al non detto: forme di silenzio in ambienti ascetici e monastici tra Asia ed Europa edited by E. Bianchi and F. Sbardella.

(2017) ‘Imposing the rules: reform and rebellion at Gushan Yongquan Monastery in the 1930s’, Studies in Chinese Religions, Special Issue on Modern Chinese Buddhism 近現代中國佛教專輯, 1.

(2017) ‘A different Buddhist revival: the promotion of Vinaya (jielü 戒律) in Republican China’, Journal Of Global Buddhism, Special Issue on China edited by F. Tarocco.

(2014) ‘Xuyun chanshi (yue 1864-1959) yu qi gaoling shenhua de jiangou 虚云禅师(约1864-1959)与其高龄神话的建构’, Hanyu foxue pinglun 汉语佛学评论, 第四辑 : 民国佛教学, Special Issue on Buddhism in the Republican period edited by J. Gong 龚隽, Z. Lin 林镇国, and Z. Yao 姚治华, Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 271-289.

(2012) ‘La question de l’âge du maître Chan Xuyun’, Études Chinoises, vol. 31, n. 1, 81-93.

(2003) ‘Sei Discorsi (Fayu) del maestro Xuyun (1840-1959). Considerazioni sulla lingua della scuola buddhista Chan in epoca moderna’, Annali di Ca’Foscari, serie orientale, XLII, 3, 273-301.

(under revision) ‘Guan Jiongzhi 關絅之 (1879-1942) and Elite Buddhist Networks in Republican Shanghai: Revolutionary Ideals and Traditional Values of Chinese Religious Modernity’.

Chapters in books

(forthcoming) ‘La ‘Montagne de la lumière de Bouddha’ (Foguangshan). Établir une Terre Pure dans les banlieues parisiennes.” In L. Fang and V. Goossaert (eds.), La Religion des Chinois de France.

(forthcoming) ‘Bridging the gap: Chan and Tiantai Dharma lineages (famai 法脈) from the Republican era to post-Mao China.’ In Z. Ji, G. Fisher, and A. Laliberté (eds.), Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions, New York, Oxford University Press.

(2016) ‘Chan Master Xuyun: The Embodiment of an Ideal, the Transmission of a Model.’ In D. Ownby, V. Goossaert and Z. Ji (eds.), Making Saints in Modern China, New York, Oxford University Press, 99-136.

(2016) ‘Minguo shiqi de jielü fuxing chushen 民国时期的戒律复兴初探.’ In Z. Ji 汲喆, Daniela Campo (田水晶), and Wang Qiyuan 王启元 (eds.), Ershi shiji zhongguo fojiao de liangci fuxing 二十世纪中国佛教的两次复兴, Shanghai, Fudan daxue chubanshe, 133-148.

(2014) ‘Disciplina monastica e moderate aperture. Una nuova prospettiva sul revival buddhista di epoca repubblicana (1912-1949).’ In M. Abbiati and F. Greselin (eds.), Il liuto e i libri: Studi in onore di Mario Sabattini, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 125-136.

(2005) ‘Eventi straordinari nell’autobiografia del maestro Chan Xuyun (1840-1959): l’incontro con Manjushri e la simbologia dell’acqua.’ In M. Scarpari and T. Lippiello (eds.), Cher Maître… Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l’ottantesimo compleanno, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 225-238.

Conference Proceedings

(2010) ‘Biografia del maestro Miaoxin Foyuan (1922/23- ), monaco eminente della Cina contemporanea.’ In P. De Troia (ed.), La Cina e il mondo, Roma, Edizione Nuova Cultura, 383-393.

(2007) ‘Il confronto tra le scuole Chan e Jingtu nel ventesimo secolo: la posizione del maestro Xuyun (1840-1959).’ In L. de Giorgi and G. Samarani (eds.), Percorsi della civiltà cinese fra passato e presente, Venezia, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, 101-118.

(2007) ‘Il medesimo Chan per un’altra Cina? Il caso del maestro buddhista Xuyun (1840-1959).’ In A. Palermo (ed.), La Cina e l’Altro, Napoli, Il Torcoliere, 257-271.

Popular magazine article

(2009) ‘À l’ombre des monts sacrés’, Nouvel Observateur (Comprendre les pensées de l’Orient, Hors-série N° 71), January-February, 68-70.


(2016) Ter Haar, Barend J., Practicing Scripture: a Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China, Études Chinoises, vol. XXXV-1.

(2015) McGuire, Beverley Foulks, Living Karma: the Religious Practices of Ouyi Zhixu, H-Buddhism, H-

Net Reviews https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=44584</

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